Snippets can now be selected to show up as Frequently Asked Questions above your contact form. They are sorted based on how many people have expanded these questions within the last 30 days.

To use this new feature, simply go to “Settings > Channels” and open the web contact form. We have updated its example accordingly.

Regardless of how many snippets you select as FAQs, only the maximum number of questions entries in your form configuration will show up above the contact form. We recommend limiting that number to five.

Remember to keep your FAQs as concise as possible – you don’t want your product to look like it will confuse its users. If you only get a question every two months, there is little benefit in adding it to your list of FAQs.

We have also added a new “Self Service” section to Reports. It shows which Suggestion or FAQ has been opened, how many times, and its progression over time. Be sure to check out this new feature!